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What we’re about

Looking for challenge, a creative outlet and sense of true community? Check us out!
Canadian Showtime Chorus® is a competitive singing group for women, specializing in a Capella four-part harmony. Our Chorus is made up of women ranging in age from 18 to "I'm not telling" and from all walks of life. Members are from Ottawa and the surrounding region. These women are inspiring and each has a unique story on how the chorus has touched and changed their lives.
After a long period of Zoom rehearsals, we are now back in person and observing all the Public Health directives. It is great to see our friends and make the chords ring again!

If you would like to join a virtual rehearsal and see what this is all about, please send an email to [email protected]

Please visit our website

Follow this link to see us in action at International Competition in New Orleans in 2019.