[CAS] English x Mandarin ONLINE Language Exchange
Welcome language and culture lovers to our online English x Mandarin Exchange! Make the most of your time at home by practicing language with us and picking up some friends on the way! Even online, we strive to uphold CanAsian Station’s environment of learning, welcoming, and last but certainly not least, fun! We hope you’re as serious as us about learning!
Beginners and experts are all welcome, our supportive organizers and community are happy to help you along the way! However, it would be extremely helpful if you join knowing at least the basics!
Please download the Zoom app ahead of time. Please sign-in ON TIME or a little bit beforehand. You are free to leave at any point during the meetup! We will provide topics and questions to help facilitate conversation, you are free to use them or have your own free conversation as you please!
-Please join with VIDEO ON so that everybody can exchange smoothly!-
First 10 minutes – Greet, chit-chat, and explanation for new members
15 minutes (English)
15 minutes (Mandarin)
*Return to lobby for 1 minute and BREAKOUT INTO NEW GROUPS
15 minutes (Mandarin)
15 minutes (English)
*Return to lobby for 1 minute and FINAL BREAKOUT GROUPS
15 minutes (English)
15 minutes (Mandarin)
Sign out or keeping chatting with your new friends if you like!
欢迎语言和文化爱好者参加CanAsian Station的英语和普通话交流聚会! 与我们一起练习英语或普通话,并在途中结识一些朋友,充分利用家里的时间! 虽然我们现在在线上,但我们还是会努力维护CanAsian Station的热情和有趣的教育环境。希望您和我们一样认真学习!
请提前下载Zoom应用,准时或提前一点登录,在聚会期间您可以随时离开! 我们将提供話題和问题来帮活跃对话,您可以自由使用它们,或自由发挥题材进行对话!
-请打开镜头参加聚会,以便我们都能更顺畅地交流 -
15分钟 (英语)
15 分钟 (普通话)
15 分钟 (普通话)
15 分钟 (英语)
15 分钟 (英语)
15 分钟 (普通话)
Every week on Tuesday
[CAS] English x Mandarin ONLINE Language Exchange