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What we’re about

Welcome to the Carmel Zen Meditation Meetup Group!

I'm a Soto Zen practitioner just now moving from San Francisco back to Carmel. I have been sitting regularly at the San Francisco Zen Center and am looking to develop a sangha (meditation community) in the northern suburbs of Indianapolis. My vision is to have regular sittings with dharma (spiritual teaching) discussion on a regular basis, weekly or multiple times a week. I am volunteering my home. I am not a Zen priest. To kick things off, we will go through "Zen Mind, Beginners Mind" by Shunryu Suzuki one chapter at a time and sit for 20-30 minutes. While I am orienting this towards the Soto Zen tradition, meditators of all "flavors" are welcome. I look forward to developing a sangha with you and deepening our practice together!

Note: The group is designated as "private" to provide more privacy protection to group members. However, membership remains open to the public.