Laura's Trail Clean-Up at Latta Nature Preserve
Sunday Morning (after Saturday's Christmas Party)
Laura's Trail is part of the trail system at Latta Nature Preserve on Mountain Island Lake. It is named after Laura Anderson, a memorable and active Berg member who sadly died in a car accident in 1995.
Two times a year, we do clean-ups for her trail and for others in the Preserve. We'll meet at 9:00 at the OLD Visitor's Center, just inside the iron gates. We pick up trash along the trails and shoreline until about 11:30. Lunch to follow, usually @ Lancaster's BBQ....
Wear clothes to go off trail and bring mud shoes, gloves, and trash-grabbers, if you have them; the Club has a few, but they go quickly.
If you RSVP for someone else, please include their name. ("No" RSVPs are not necessary unless you have already signed up as a Yes)
Look for the red truck.
Contact Stuart Jones 704-598-8742c
(This activity NO LONGER earns volunteer credit hours towards our free use of the shelter for our Christmas Party.)
Berg Guidelines for Event Participants
Berg Guidelines for Event Organizers
Laura's Trail Clean-Up at Latta Nature Preserve