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Who Likes FLATWATER Paddling (Kayaking/Canoeing)?

Photo of Berg Meetup Organizers
Hosted By
Berg Meetup O. and Ted F.


This is not an actual event. We created this posting to create a mailing list of members that like to or want to flatwater kayak.

RSVP if this would be you, and please note your skill level beside your RSVP.

Below are skill levels for flatwater kayaking:

  1. Beginnner (all levels) - Individuals who have either never kayaked before, or who feel they will benefit from gaining experience in a milder paddle should look for our events aimed to all levels (beginner) paddles. Those who would feel most comfortable are those with minimal time in small boats, who have never tried to roll a boat, and may be trying different boats and boat types, either as a pre-purchase decision, or who simply kayak only minimally. Parameters for events of this type will generally mean distances < 5 miles, speeds < 2 to 3 MPH, and minimal wind and/or wave action.

  2. Intermediate - this level describes those who have ventured a little further in the kayaking experience, and who can handle a little speed, distance, and a few environmental factors. Events in this category will likely venture into deeper water, away from shorelines, with a quicker pace (3 or 4 MPH) and may go 10 to 15 miles in distance (perhaps a little further!). There is an expectation that winds and waves may be encountered, and while these are unpredictable, being comfortable with 10-15 MPH winds, and 1 to 2 foot waves should be expected. Participants in this category also have generally good paddling skills for maneuvering long boats in smaller tributaries and marsh areas as well, and feel comfortable navigating their way through such areas. An intermediate level kayaker should know how to dress for the conditions of both air and water temperatures, and has usable knowledge of energy, and hydration requirements for such activities.

  3. Experienced/Expert – A kayaker at this level is pretty much open to any kayaking event, has confidence and capability in winds and surf, to include ocean kayaking. A kayaker at this level can maintain speeds upwards of 4 to 5 MPH, and may reach 7 or 8 MPH + for certain periods. Winds of 20+, and waves of 2-3 feet are navigable in this group. Distances greater than 20 miles daily, and often over multiple days may be required on such adventures. Previous instruction and current skills likely includes the development of roll techniques, as do paddling skills in adverse conditions. Has experience in dressing for the conditions of both air and water temperatures, and has usable knowledge of energy, and hydration requirements for such activities. Also will posses the necessary navigation skills for trip routings and course selection.

Trip Organizers: This calendar entry may be used as an email list to promote your event. An example of an appropriate number of times for such use would be no more than twice per event. Such communication should state that it is being sent to the members who have their names on this list. Thanks.

Photo of The Carolina Berg Wanderers Meetup Group group
The Carolina Berg Wanderers Meetup Group
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