What we’re about
In 2023 the UN estimate global cattle population to be about 1.6 billion, I calculate that the CO2 from them is about 9 Gt per year, while all the passenger vehicles for domestic road travel on earth emit about 3.5 Gt. I’m hoping that will blow your mind, but if it doesn’t, when you add up the methane, it makes up a fairly large percentage of the global budget for GHG’s, I estimate that to be over 50% of all other GHG’s combined. Firstly I want to know if I’m right, and if so, I’m want to bring awareness to the problem and build strategies to effect change by making our government recognise and legislate to prevent further uncontrolled growth of this pollution oversight.
I hope anyone with credible credentials in science can re-calculate and confirm these findings.
And from there get other skilled legal people to design a case for the ICJ to try and limit global cattle production on the basis that it represents a greater risk to us than fossil fuels, and has such easily accessible alternatives that it is simply inequitable to allow it to continue.