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What we’re about

What we’re about

Women need other women. These trying times can cause us to feel so lonely, but there are millions of us. You are not alone! Let us get together and start building a new network of girlfriends who are ready to get a coffee, grab a drink after work, try that new restaurant, get that mani-pedi, or just chat.

This group cannot be all things to all people, but it can be a place to find many new friends, a lot of fun things to do, and do it together as a community.

Did you know...?

  • This group and its events are for women only unless otherwise specified
  • All our events are planned and hosted by volunteers. We are an active group and have events in Austin and surrounding areas almost every week.
  • No one in our group is paid to provide this service.
  • Meetup is not free. Group leaders pay a monthly fee for each group they run. Pay an annual nonrefundable membership fee of $5.00.

Have a complaint or issue? Please contact the admin team rather than voicing them at group events. It is important to maintain a welcoming and friendly atmosphere during our shared time.  Meetup Group Admin Team: Kim Hart, Shawna Burkey and Laurie Daubert

Group Rules
Do not speak of, promote, or rally toward ANYTHING (including politics, social justice, current affairs, etc.) that tends to draw borders, create factions, and cause division. In this day and age, it is imperative that we cleave to each other and honor the differences that COULD stand between us, so that we can truly embrace the similarities that UNITE us and make us all women.

Protect Yourself, Secure the Group: YOU are the sole protector of your health, safety, and wellbeing. Obviously, if you are sick, please stay home and take care of yourself.
If you need anything, please reach out. One of us can do a "drive by" and bring medicine, food or whatever.

Members may be removed from the group for the following reasons:

  • Violation of group rules
  • Not paying group nonrefundable $5.00 fees when joining or during annual renewal.
  • Inactivity (not visiting the group) 9 months or longer.

Trial Memberships
New members will need to agree to the following before their 30-day trial membership is completed:

  • Pay group nonrefundable $5.00 fee - this is done directly through meetup,
  • Must have identifiable photo
  • If your profile does not have at least your first name, please provide so that we know what to call you.

Please note that you do not have to attend 3 events prior to your membership being granted. The only requirement is to pay the nonrefundable dues.

Hosting Events
Meet our current Event Organizers: Karen S, Mikia, Jenny, Heidi, and Your name here - We need you!

  • Before hosting an event, you must attend 3 of our events and connect with the admin team.
  • No events will be added to the Meetup calendar or posted on the Facebook group without administrative approval. This rule does not apply to Event Organizers.
  • Host your own events, and let others host theirs. Do not host events for another group member, or another meetup group as the 'liaison' between the two. Event organizers may not approve events for other hosts.
  • If you host an event to attend a class/seminar/workshop/forum etc., please include the contact information for the person showcasing it and provide that information to the admin team.
  • Do not put the location of your event in the event title. There is a place on the event form to add a location. Please use it or add the location in the description box. Our events are visible to anyone online. It is okay that strangers see that our group is having game night, but it is not okay that they see the location. Let us keep our members a little safer by not disclosing location information to anyone outside of our group.
  • Do not ever change RSVPs for your attendees without their consent.

As an event organizer, it is your responsibility to adhere to the group rules and maintain an atmosphere of positive connection - and deter those who would cause strife, division, and drama.

**Events are often listed weeks in advance - long before life shows up and changes everything. Before canceling an approved event, we will make every effort to keep it on the calendar by finding a new host, a new venue, or changing the event date. Sometimes, however, it is necessary to simply cancel an event, and we thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

Attendance Policy
To keep our events safe and enjoyable and in the overall interest of all members and event venue staff, the following must be adhered to by every member when attending group events:

  • Your profile picture must be a clear, identifiable photo of you. This helps the event organizer(s) find you. If you do not have an identifiable profile picture, you will be removed from the event.
  • If you sign up for an event, you must attend the event. The RSVP “Going” means you KNOW you can and will attend the event, it does not mean maybe going. No placeholding!!
  • If you signed up for an event with a Waitlist and find you are unable to attend, except for a real emergency, you must change your RSVP to “Not going” at least 2 full days before the event. This gives members who were Waitlisted enough notice to plan to join the event – and if applicable, is fair to event venues, owners, managers, and chefs.
  • If you signed up for an event that does not have a Waitlist or is not at a venue with staff and find you are unable to attend, you must change your RSVP to “Not going” at least 4 hours prior to the event.
  • If you do not attend an event you signed up for and did not change your RSVP to “Not going”, you will be marked as a “No Show”. After the 1st “No Show”, you will be sent a warning. After the 3rd “No Show”, you will be removed from the group and will have restrictions if you want to re-join.
  • If you have not visited the group's site for over 9 months, you will be removed from the group for lack of activity. There are no restrictions for you to re-join the group.
  • You understand and assume all risk of injury or personal item damage associated with any of the group’s events.
  • Soliciting or marketing to group members is not allowed.
  • Be kind and respectful to event organizer(s) and other event attendees.
  • Finally, HAVE FUN!

Once you have completed your trial membership, you are eligible to request to join our Facebook group. Please reach out to Shawna Burkey or Kim Hart who will confirm your trail membership has been completed. They will send you a link to join the Facebook group which is valid for only 2 days.  Once your request to join has been received, you will be approved to join.

The group Facebook can be used for just chatting, posting a last minute “hey let’s do dinner” or “I’m doing this if anyone wants to join”.  The Meetup group rules apply to Facebook also.

If you are unsure if you should post something or not, reach out to Shawna, Laurie or Kim.