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*Special Edition* Sunset hike - Flood Wall loop + train museum (3 miles)

Photo of Kim
Hosted By
Kim .
*Special Edition* Sunset hike - Flood Wall loop + train museum (3 miles)


**This week's sunset hike will be on Tuesday instead of Wednesday**
Join us for a walk on the floodwall loop for lovely views of the Richmond skyline, some cool murals, and best of all, tonight we will add in a stop at the Richmond train museum in Manchester for a quick break and a chance to find out more about this little-known museum. Greg Hodges,who is opening the museum just for us, will give us a brief train talk and we will be able to walk through the museum! Big thanks to Elizabeth J. for suggesting this and putting us in touch with her Dad so we could make it happen!!
After perusing the museum we'll make our way back to the starting point-Legend's brewery.

Distance: 3-4 miles
Pace: moderate
Terrain: mostly paved sidewalks
Dogs allowed: yes

Hope you can join us!

Photo of Central Virginia Trailblazers group
Central Virginia Trailblazers
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Legend Brewing Co
321 W 7th St · Richmond, VA
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