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What we’re about

The CES Go is a go (Baduk/weiqi) club. We gather every 2nd Sundays of the month in Seoul, at the Fairtrade cafe in Hyehwa. We are around a dozen players at each session.
If you are an experienced player, you will enjoy playing with other strong player or teaching beginners. Players come from various and international background so this is also a good opportunity to practice a different language like English.
If you are a beginner and are curious about the game of go in Seoul, whether it is for one time or more frequently feel free to join, this club is made for you. We usually do paired games so experienced players can teach and play with beginners.
The club is completely free but is hosted in a cafe. We ask participant to get one item from the cafe by courtesy.
The club is part of the French expat group Collectif Eco-Solidaire which promotes social inclusion activities and environment-friendly initiatives. It is neither a religious nor a political group.
For more info, please message me on IG: seoul_ces_go.

Upcoming events (2)

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