What we’re about
Hi there! This group is for any woman, or identifying-woman, who is over 30, childfree, and of a more liberal or leftist mindset.
Childfree by Choice (CBC) is a growing segment of the world population! CBC is defined as a person who has made a decision not to have children. They have typically evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of having children and determined that not having children is the best choice for them. In secular terms, there is a key distinction between Childfree by Choice and Childless. In general terms, childless is defined as a person who wanted to have children but was not able to due to their circumstances. Examples of circumstances include infertility, loss of a child, empty nester, or life not moving in a direction that led to having children because of occurrences outside of one's control, also known as involuntarily childless. In contrast, Childfree by Choice is described as voluntarily childless.
We're open to anyone who is CBC in the Triangle and beyond, who is open to events in Raleigh and all surrounding cities. I'd love for this group to be a space to meet and get to know other ladies in a similar situation, and experience all that our area has to offer, but especially making friends and having partners to event with. I'm open to any and all suggestions to make this group a success for all of us. We will have both in-person and online events to target the comfort of different members. For everyone's safety, it's required that all members be vaccinated. I can't wait to meet and get to know you!
Group Rules:
- Please add a picture that allows organizers to get an idea of what you look like.
- Two no-shows equals removal from group. Cancellation the day of an event without communication counts as a no-show.
- Please do not be toxic, divisive, dissentious, aggressive or a killjoy toward other members. We want to maintain a warm, welcome feel for all, even if we disagree or view things differently.