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What we’re about

Hi All, Hope you are Good, Welcome to Twinflames 1111 Portal Ascensions 7 CHAKRA MEDITATION, HEALING and ACTIVATION Classes in CHENNAI, INDIA.
If you are interested, Please enroll for your 7 Chakra Healing Classes on a Weekend either Saturday or Sunday.
5. 7Chakra Healing Classes Commencing from this Sunday 17th November 2024

Who all can avail and positively benefit from this 7 Chakra Healing:

  1. If you have feel broken or low at times for no reason or if you feel heavy at heart due to Love or relationships sometimes unknowingly.
  2. If you feel that you want to meet your soulmate or looking to get married in the near future but scared of marriage or having children.
  3. If you had Marital discords or Separations or unexpected Divorces.
  4. If you are a twinflame or you belong to the Twinflame Collective and Looking for healing, Peace, achieving Twinflame Union one day.
  5. If you are a person, very busy in your life but many times you feel that you are disconnected from your body or soul due to the day to day work, stress, unable to find your soulmate or understand life many times etc.
  6. If you went through Trauma or Traumatic situations like years ago or during childhood but things keep re-surfacing when you want to make a new Life change OR Go in a new PATH and direction in Your Life.
  7. OR JUST if you feel that your are a LIGHT BEING and want to embrace mind relaxation and peace and do not like to live in low energy vibration feeling anymore [or] do not want to be in the darkness our daily lives bring sometimes and want to navigate into Life and Light soulfully Happy and feel Blissful in the presence of Omnipresent Almighty & Universe.

THEN... Please enroll for our 7 ChakAlra Healing class and I bet, you will not regret.
Our 7Chakra Healing Class Details:

  1. We target and heal one Chakra activation a Week starting with Root Chakra to the 7th Chakra, until the 7 consecutive Week (for ages 18 to 75years)
  2. We will give you prior clearcut precise information well before hand for that specific chakra healing so that you will be able to heal yourself effectively on that SPECIFIC CHAKRA HEALING DAY.
  3. Because this a Direct face to face 7 Chakra Healing Guided Meditation Class, there will be minimal fee for each class (FYI, as we conducted classes in a rental venue)
  4. 7Chakra Healing Classes Commencing from this Sunday 17th November 2024
  5. For enquiry you can drop your name and mobile number to our Email-id [email protected]
    Thanks & Regards,
    Twinflames1111 Portal Ascensions, (Practice, Peace, Patience, Prosperity & Happiness)

Thiruvanmiyur RTO Area,
[email protected]
Youtube Channel - @twinflames1111portalascensions
Twitter - @1TwinFlames1111

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