Texas Chess Center Friday Swiss
Friday Swiss is for all ages and any level of experience, all you need is a current USCF membership and knowledge of USCF rules, and then you are ready to participate!
Note: We will be using a “1 vs 2” pairing style, where each player is paired with the player closest to their rating, for more exciting and challenging games
Location: TCC Carrollton (3730 North Josey Lane #124)
Date: Every Friday, 6.30 - 10:00pm
Format: G/30;d5 | 3 Rounds
Sections: Open
New Pairing Style: ”1 v 2”
Prizes (all guaranteed):
Open | 30% of total Open Section Entries
Tournament Entry Fee: $20
Register here: https://www.texaschesscenter.com/store/p/friday-swiss
Learn more about us at https://www.texaschesscenter.com/
Every week on Friday
Texas Chess Center Friday Swiss