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What we’re about

This is a women's group for those of us who made a conscious decision not have children and enjoy all the freedom, independence, and financial rewards of not being a parent.

Tired of losing good friends after they have kids and drop off the face of the earth? Tired of conversations focused on kids and schools? Tired of people judging you for not conforming to society's norms?

Let’s get together with other women for coffee, brunch, hikes, conversations, and whatever else we can come up with! Join if you want to find a community of like-minded women for in-person meetups.

To be abundantly clear: This is NOT a group for empty nesters, part-time parents, or women that don't have kids "yet" but intend on having them later. This is a group for completely childfree women, focusing on small group dynamics and common interest-driven group events and experiences to form meaningful friendships. Our members have no kids of any age by choice OR circumstance-- we respect that every woman has their own reasons for being childfree.

Upcoming events (4+)

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