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What we’re about


Chosen Chicks is a group of like minded mature ladies who like to get together for fun "girl time"

Membership is by invitation only. Leadership does not wish to offend anyone, we just want to keep the group small and intimate. We believe having a core group of regular attendees fosters close friendships. We are also safety conscious as many of our events are held in a private home.

If you think you might like to join us, please feel free to send a join request. If space allows, your request will be approved. Your profile picture must be a picture of yourself, preferably a close up, so we'll recognize you.

Leadership reserves the right to dismiss anyone with a conflict of interest (we are not political) a failure to thrive with the current membership, or a history of No Shows/Late Cancelations

Now that the dirty laundry has been aired, let"s start the fun!

Jodie & Christina