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What we’re about

Welcome! We are the Church Without The Church.

We love the idea of church, we love the idea of congregating together in person.
Of praying together, of learning together, of praising together.
All these things to God, the universe, Gaia, soul, Wakan Tanka, however you have come to know the great mystery of the divine.

Though, we wish to engage in these practices together as community without the shame and guilt that comes with the Christian faith. With the belief that all humans are equal no matter your beliefs or orientations.

We will gather each Sunday at 10am to engage in ceremony together, to sit together in circle and share.

Here will be the Structure:
-Why we are here
-Group Om
-Group singing
-Closing thoughts and prayer

This will be an absolutely free event. As the usual per Church norms, a donation basket will be passed around. *Though, nothing is expected or required.* All donations for at least the first year will go towards building and growing the Church and congregation.

To cultivate a group of people including any and all walks of life that come together for community, love and support and with a common goal to re-learn Universal truth, to cultivate a path to self-realization and to create an embodied experience of oneness with all by coming together for weekly meetings of learning, healing and communing with one another by meditation, singing and chanting mantras, discussing esoteric occult topics and offering work shops, book clubs and support groups.

-Love. It is our beacon, it is what guides our path. Love for ourselves and love for others as individuals, love for the collective as a whole, love for the Universe, love for nature and love for life.

-Truth. Learning to uncover ones true self and live authentically as well as learning the ancient and lost truths (esoteric occult) of the Universe.

-Community. Creating a strong network of support as to never have to feel alone again.

-Inclusion. If one is open minded and has good intention then they shall not be turned away. All beings are welcome no matter race/ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender or lack thereof, or creed.

-Growth. Stagnation is death. Together we may grow, climb “Jacobs ladder”, ascend spiritually.