Adventure Hiking Trail, O'Bannon Woods (beginner-friendly)
A two-night, two-day, beginner-friendly O'Bannon Woods SP / Harrison-Crawford SF Adventure Hiking Trail trip.
If you're waitlisted, re-read the trip description carefully. Please RSVP with integrity, so you're not blocking someone else from being able to go, or causing the trip leader(s) to worry when you're late or a no-show.
The mileage is how I qualify this as "beginner," but there will be plenty of ups and downs and challenging terrain, so we'll still be tired when we get to camp. If it's sub-freezing, rainy, or snowing, that "beginner" qualification is revoked. Trip will happen rain or shine; see below for details.
PDF map of the entire AHT (I'll provide printed maps on Fri):
O'Bannon Woods State Park:
Map with daily GPX routes:
**I T I N E R A R Y**
There are no fees during the off-season. I will handle the required hiker/vehicle registrations, if you provide me 1) your emergency contact's name and phone number, and 2) your vehicle's make, model, color, and plates, as soon as possible after you sign up for the trip. At your option, you can also call the park office during business hours at 812-738-8232. Either way, let me know with a text or a voice call to (local area code) 227-1728.
We'll arrange carpooling for anyone interested in carpooling the week prior. I can take one more person in my tiny sedan.
The AHT map/brochure (link above) says "due to the karst landscape of the area, water is frequently scarce." I will cache ample water for the group.
There will be a ~1.5 mi NIGHT HIKE in on Friday evening, from the O'Bannon Woods Fire Tower to the the tent symbol on the CalTopo map, above. Fear not, it's a relatively easy section of trail. DO bring a headlamp and spare batteries.
Saturday will be ~7.5 miles to Lloyd's Cabin / Ohio River Shelter. I wouldn't characterize the view as postcard-picturesque, necessarily, but it does have its nice qualities. This is a popular site, accessible by horse, so keep in the back of your mind that we may have to share it with others, and bolster yourself in case it's not the quiet, solitary backcountry experience you might be imagining. Bring earplugs regardless.
Sunday's hike back to the cars parked on Cold Friday Road will be ~2.5 (tough) miles. If you are completely done, you are welcome to stay and warm up in the cars, but my plan is to do the ~1.5 mile out-and-back to the Chimney / Homestead Shelter, where there's a nice overlook to the Ohio River off a side trail.
I typically scout the weekend before, but may have to forgo that this year. This is a "managed" forest, and trails are often closed due to logging. Be flexible, expect the route to change slightly from what's posted to Meetup, and be prepared for disappointment. I don't do this hike for the views, although it is a pleasant and well-marked trail overall, and there are some nicer views along Indian Creek and out by the Homestead Shelter.
Trip will happen rain or shine, and will only be rescheduled in the event of severe weather, meaning negative wind chills or high winds that put us at risk of falling trees. That said, 40–50 °F (+4–10 °C) + rain is hypothermia weather. Make sure you are prepared. Don't wear cotton.
Post-hike recovery meal at The Overlook in Leavenworth. We went there last year and it was fine. It's not bar food, and there were plenty of vegetable options.
**E X P E C T A T I O N S**
Please do not RSVP without answering the RSVP question: "Is this your first backpacking trip?" A simple 'yes' or 'no' is fine. Maybe it's easy to overlook. Don't overlook it. You'll be placed on the waitlist if you forget, until you fix it or contact me.
I will typically hike as sweep. No hiker will be left behind. If you choose to hike ahead, please stop at trail intersections, marked or otherwise, or else agree to wait up for the group at a designated spot on the map. I will provide paper maps.
Leave No Trace (; or, if you've backpacked with me before, you know this also means "remove all traces."
Remember that I am not a tour guide.
Know your own limits. If you have doubts or concerns (or pain), let me know early. There's no shame in cutting the trip short to avoid making a situation worse.
Since we're not doing the whole trail, shuttling cars will be necessary, about a 30 minute ride on paved/gravel roads.
As a reminder, in becoming a member of Cincinnati Area Backpackers, you have accepted the waiver and release the organizer(s) from any liability in the event of injury, illness, or other calamities.
**E M E R G E N C I E S**
Local: 911
Harrison Co. Sheriff business hours / 24-hour dispatch:
812-738-2195 / 812-738-3911
Adventure Hiking Trail, O'Bannon Woods (beginner-friendly)