(Tue) Modified Tai- Chi Steps
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Learn how 2 do Modified Tai- Chi Steps in 7 Hills, Ohio.
IF u r interested, u MUST call me 2 reserve a spot (max - 5 ppl).
Benefits of Modified Tai- Chi Steps r --
- Reduces stress,
- Promotes weight loss,
- Improves cognitive awareness,
- Improves short- & long- term memory,
- Reduces risk of falling in older ppl,
- Improves balance & strength in ppl w Parkinson's illness,
- Reduces pain from arthritis.
- Relieves nervous tension & calms the mind.
Open 2 the public.
$ 5.00 / person.
It's 8 weeks (2 months) session.
Wear comfortable clothing & gym shoes.
Be there 15 mins b4 the starting time.
4 more info, call Jackie (440) 546- 7531.
Cleveland Dance Club
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St Peter United Church of Christ
125 E Ridgewood Dr · Seven Hills, OH
(Tue) Modified Tai- Chi Steps
5 spots left