What we’re about
Welcome. This group is for people interested in exploring themselves and other people from the lens of personality theory, including Myers-Briggs, the Enneagram, the Big Five or "Five Factor Model of Personality," and other perspectives. I have studied all of these systems for many years and was a member of BAAPT, the Bay Area Association for Psychological Type, which included a lot of people from the company that certifies people to administer the MBTI as well as a number of thought leaders from all areas of personality psychology. I hope that my perspective allows me to make these meetings more productive and enjoyable for everyone involved.
I've noticed that people (myself included) love to talk about themselves, including their personality attributes. However, it's equally if not more valuable to listen to other people's perspectives. If you can even understand 10% of what another person is trying to say, you have a much better chance of getting along with that person or even bonding at a deep level.
In these meetings, I will try to have a short preliminary video, essay or other piece that is quick and easy to consume, yet provocative. We will then use that as a seed for further discussion. It may not be important or necessary to have any further structure beyond that.
I have noticed that people who are interested in MBTI and other personality systems tend to have a lot in common, beyond mere interest in personality. So, I hope this group offers people an opportunity to make lots of friends with interests similar to their own.