Come and enjoy a West Side Scrabble potluck night at Chris's house to help kick off the holidays. Chris will provide a roast beef main course.
Please add a comment to this meetup to let others know what you are bringing. As always, alcohol is welcome (especially this time of the year), but plan to bring your own.
The picture is one of last year's lights, but I have high hopes of getting them up again next weekend so they can help guide you come December 14.
The development’s name is Ridgefield. There is a sign at the entrance on Bagley Road. Gatewood is the first right after you enter the development. The house is the fifth on the right after you pass the clubhouse and pool.
REMINDER: This group is all about relaxing and enjoying our favorite word game. We follow most conventions as written by Hasbro/Parker Bros. but play "open book" Scrabble without timers. We even have club cheat sheets.
When in doubt, those cheat sheets and the 7th Edition Scrabble Dictionary are the last word on words. However, we DO NOT approve of putting all your letters in your electronic device and letting it form your words for you. Please come and relax and have fun! Any questions, please ask.