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Connection Kickoff

Photo of Club Femme
Hosted By
Club F.
Connection Kickoff


New to Club Femme? How exciting! This is an opportunity to come hang out and see if you vibe with your new squad. Have a cocktail and add some sparkle to your life. Warning: Spikes in energy are common. Don't say we didn't warn you.

We'll have a juicy conversation that'll not only give you the downlow on creating lasting confidence, but also we'll be going over dates for future Connects and extending an invite if we’re a fit. How will we do it? We're serving the 3 C's. You come for the Cocktails, stay for the Conversation, and leave feeling Connected.

Attracting real and lasting friendships in this big ol’ city can be hard. We've heard it time and time again... "It's so hard to make friends in Vancouver," and once you do, all anyone can talk about is the weather. Wowza. If that made you feel low energy just by reading that...

We got you, boo. Besties and highly vibrational energy coming right up.

And one more thing, Club Femme is for all shapes and sizes and genders and colours of the rainbow. We are for anyone who's in the mood to celebrate their feminine energy.

Photo of Club Femme Connections Cocktails and Confidence group
Club Femme Connections Cocktails and Confidence
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Club Femme
207 West Hastings, Room #204, BUZZ 459 · Vancouver, BC
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