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What we’re about

Welcome to our Coaches Networking & Growth Hub! 🌟
Where Masterminding, referrals and inspiration happens!
Are you a coach, a new coach or would like to be one with more than enough clients? Then this is the perfect place for you. New and aspiring coaches are also welcome and will be supported on your journey by an awesome community!
This meetup is perfect for coaches or aspiring coaches who are looking to create or scale a successful coaching business and connect with others along the way. Let's grow together!
The power of networking, masterminding and referrals is unparalleled on the journey to success and thriving businesses.
Let's connect, learn, and grow together!
From business and executive coaching to wellness and lifestyle coaching, we believe in helping each other experience growth, abundance, and success. As entrepreneurs it can get lonely or challenging to motivate ourselves, so this is the hub to help you stay on track, inspired with your goals and be the best coach you can be for your people.

Our group is dedicated to fostering a strong community of like-minded individuals who are committed to running a profitable business and thriving in every aspect of life.

Join us to mastermind, give and receive referrals and build lasting relationships with other professionals in the field!

We will have regular events online mostly and some in-person ones exclusively for the members of this group.
Feel free to invite others who could benefit from being a member. We are a global community helping people all around the globe. So you can tap into a global pool of potential clients and new, coach friends cheering you on.

We hold an abundant philosophy of life, instead of competition and scarcity mindset, so you will be allowed to, even encouraged ! to promote yourself and your business to other members during our meetups.
We will make sure everyone feels welcome, safe and supported on their journey.
Join us, bring your friends and fellow coaches and let's thrive together!

Upcoming events (4+)

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