What we’re about
Ok so lets get into it. This group is for singles that are not in "its complicated, or situationships, or married or swingers and there is no offense meant by saying that but lets get that out of the way. The aim here is to create a safe space where a small group of singles can hang out and get to know each other better if the spark that starts the flame happens, all the better. Please be advised our group is not for pick-up or seduction techniques, or wingman tactics.
Every week we will rotate and meet no more than 30 singles at a time. To top it off you will have access to amazing food and I mean amazing food, great conversations and activities.
We don't have to get lit to feel sparks Mocktails only. Limited availability to keep it intimate. This event is RSVP ONLY you can not just show up to an event without RSVP. This helps us to keep events manageable