Talk#1: Bad Code Can Make Great Games Too!
Speaker: Johnson S.
Learn why terrible programming skills shouldn't stop you from making games and how even some of the greatest games are held together by hope and duck tape.
Talk#2: RetroJIT: 6502 Lisp
Speaker: Jonas S Karlsson HK/BKK
In 1975, the first affordable CPU 6502 started the home computer revolution. Today, 40 years later - new impressive games are released - a renaissance enabled by new efficient cross-compilers like cc65, vbcc, kickc. We implement the Lisp-language, on an 1MHz 6502 Oric Atmos - the most beautiful home computer ever created! Experiments show space-time tradeoffs using a) interpretation b). compile/run bytecode c) generate machine code *on the machine* that sometimes is faster than the C-compiler! We'll combine it in Just-In-Time compilation.
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