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Coffee with Arthur Virtual Business Networking. Bring Your Own Drink!

Photo of Arthur Lee
Hosted By
Arthur L.
Coffee with Arthur Virtual Business Networking. Bring Your Own Drink!


Welcome to the first Virtual Coffee with Arthur Event.

Now, I've been thinking a long, long time on how I can bring Coffee with Arthur the the virtual space, so I thought I'd start my planning from happens at the physical meetup and present it to you in virtual form.

Who is this meeting suitable for?
1. People who would like to meet a few others virtually
2. People who would like to get to know me before turning up to a physical event
3. People who would like to ask a few questions about Coffee with Arthur
4. People who can't make it to the physical event, but would like to keep connected with Coffee with Arthur

So here is what I'd like to try to bring to the virtual session, that I've enjoyed bringing to you in the physical session.

1. Casual and Relaxed
I've always loved that the events have been casual and relaxing for everyone, It's up to you what you wear, what you drink, you don't even have to have your camera on! Just pop in and join me.

2. Networking.
No standing up and introducing yourself, no name tags required. We will use the chat function during the session to drop your linkedin or other social account details (not personal email). Then after the session get to know each person for as long as you need.

3. Sharing Experience.
Usually I get to sit down and share an experience or story in business with a few people. I'll spend a short time to share a business experience with you and a thought about networking. Take what you like from it, throw out the rest.

4. Questions about Coffee with Arthur
At every session people ask me questions about Coffee with Arthur. In the virtual sessions I'll do the same. Just drop a some questions in chat and I'll answer some questions..

This will allow a time to come together, share some details and then take your new contacts and have a conversation over the the weeks or months to come.

ROUGH Agenda

  • 8:30pm Virtual Doors Open and Welcome
  • 8:35pm Short Presentation on an experience of mine in business
  • 8:45pm Questions and Answers about Coffee with Arthur (If no questions, I'll tell you about my adventures with Coffee with Arthur
  • 8:55pm A simple thought regarding networking.
  • 9:00pm Close meeting. Time to connect with people.

So expect, a short sweet session, with lots of technical issues, and hopefully you will get to meet a few others of like mind and learn a bit out my business and Coffee with Arthur journey!

See you soon.

Arthur Lee



What Platform are you using?
Yes I know it may be a bit boring, but I'll be using Zoom. Most people know how to use it. If I'm getting beyond 100 participants, I'll most likely start using Youtube Live.

What if I'm late, or need to leave early?
Just like the physical event, you are welcomed to come and go as you please. A few minutes late because you're waiting for your kettle to boil? Don't Stress! Need to leave early something else? You're welcomed to leave early.

Why are you encouraging people to drop a linkedin link and not a personal email?
With Social Media you are in more control of the conversation, it is easier to connect and see what each person is about, Also it is easier to block if things don't go well. Emails may end up on lists if you're not careful because we never know who joins the sessions.

Why aren't you getting everyone in the session to have an input?
If everyone have 5 minutes, the session can easily blow out to a long session. To save everyone from a lot of "Can you hear me?" "Can you hear me?" I'll take the floor and run the event.

Will you cancel the event if there is only 1 participant?
Whether there is 1 or 100 RSVPs, the session will go on! I have had as little as 2 people turn up to Coffee with Arthur physically and the sessions had not been cancelled, the virtual event will be no different. Worse comes to worse, you can connect with me!

Why Friday Night?
Friday Night is a great wind down time for me, and a day that I can confidently say that I will be at home. So if you're not heading out partying, join me here, and meet with a few other people along the way.

Any more questions? Feel free to message me in meetup.

Photo of Coffee with Arthur Casual Business Networking Meetups group
Coffee with Arthur Casual Business Networking Meetups
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50 spots left