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What we’re about

Are you currently in graduate school working towards a Master's or PhD? Are you horrifically stressed and tired? Do you constantly second-guess your decision to pursue academia or an advanced degree? Does the thought of reading Middlemarch or Capital. A Critique of Political Economy make you want to cry? Then this is the support group for you!

My name is Jess, and I'm heading into my 5th year of doctoral study (literature). My university is in Mass., but I live in CT; therefore, I miss out on some of the communal aspects of surviving a graduate program. In the Fall, I'll be ABD, and I know the process will become even more isolated, so I wanted to start a group for those also experiencing the stressful path that is graduate school. Whether you are a PhD or MA candidate, postdoc, recent grad, or someone starting in the Fall, I hope we can come together from different disciplines to commiserate and foster support. If members are interested, we can create study/writing blocks, hold mock exams/interviews/conferences, or discuss research and writing tips. I'm even happy if this group just serves as a place to complain and unload stress outside your program. Grad school is a dumpster fire, but you're not alone!

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