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Circlesinging/Vocal Improvisation Workshop and Potluck

Photo of Laurie Ellington
Hosted By
Laurie E.
Circlesinging/Vocal Improvisation Workshop and Potluck


Come, join in a circle and let's sing something totally new, totally improvised! Let's make joy and beauty and build community together!

What is CircleSinging?
CircleSinging was developed as an art form by Bobby McFerrin and his collaborators, based on ancient musical traditions. It is a spontaneous, improvised community singing practice, like a drum circle for voices. Circle leaders facilitate the creation of songs using patterns, percussive sounds, rhythms, harmonies, melodies, and recognizable words or invented language. Out of the simplest musical idea, we build something beautiful, groovy, transcendent, ephemeral and completely original. The best part is, it’s all made up on the spot.

What you'll learn in this workshop: You will learn how to create a circle by improvising musical patterns that fit together; you'll learn how to improvise a solo line; you'll learn to stretch your comfort zone; you'll learn how to incorporate your own "personal language" into a song. You don’t need to know how to improvise to do CircleSinging; all you need to bring is your voice and the innate music that you carry in your mind and body.

READ HERE an article in the Christian Science Monitor about Circlesinging as it is run by my friends in Boston. (Ours is the same!)

There is a suggested donation of $20, cash or Venmo, but no one is turned away for lack of funds.

Stay for a potluck supper! So much about CircleSinging is about creating community through music, and I'd love to keep that feeling going with a post-song potluck. I will have beverages and a salad. Please bring something to share if you'd like to stay!

The location is the barn at 60 High Street in Southampton. Park on the street in front of the house and walk up the driveway. There are stairs to the space on the left side of the barn. The barn is, unfortunately, not wheelchair accessible.

Photo of Connecticut River Valley Vocal Improvisation group
Connecticut River Valley Vocal Improvisation
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60 High St
60 High St · Southampton, MA
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