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What we’re about

This is a group for all people interested in exploring and healing family, systemic and ancestral dynamics.

This group offers ONLINE and IN PERSON (>London, UK) events.

What are Family Constellations?

The modality of Family Constellations focuses on identifying blocks, limitations and difficulties as well as their original roots, which affect an individual’s life.
It is a simple however powerful modality that helps reveal obstacles, limitations and entanglements that may stop us from living the life we want. Constellations method offers a unique therapeutic exploration and an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the unknown dynamics that hold us back from the life we want.
Constellations can help with issues such as: personal relationships, family and organisational difficulties, financial issues, physical, emotional and psychological issues and many other life challenges.

What is and what happens in a Constellation session?

In a Constellation session a person that wish to explore her/his issue is referred to as the 'issue holder'.
A Constellation refers to an arrangements of elements or parts that emerge in one’s family system. In a group setting the issue holder will choose representatives to be part of his/her constellation and actively observes the unfolding process. The whole group holds space to support the issue holder and the constellation explores underlying, and often unseen, dynamics that provide fresh perspectives and new insights. Each workshop offers a limited number of Issue Holders, however this work often benefits the whole group and the active representatives in a constellation as well as the witnesses.

This work can be done in a group and 1 to 1 session, online and in person. It often provides profound insights and experiences not only to the Issue Holder but to all participants therefore often this works provides a new perspectives and a collective shift.

What benefits a person may experience from this work?

– a deeper understanding and insights around a particular issue
– resolution around imbalance of power, giving-receiving dynamic and the right place in the system
– acceptance, peace, inner strength and alignment with one’s own life purpose and forward movement towards the emerging future
– connection to the ancestral roots, inner wisdom and resources

I look forward to seeing and working with you in person and/or online.

Prem M Dabrowska

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