WORKSHOPS Remote Viewing: A Learning Session and Q&A and Meditation
CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS AND OUR PATH TO ASCENSION with Drs. J.J. and Desiree Hurtak and Alan Steinfeld
Sunday, December 8, 2024 – 1:00 to 6:00PM – WORKSHOPS Remote Viewing: A Learning Session and Q&A and Meditation for Universal Oneness with Drs. JJ and Desiree Hurtak and Alan Steinfeld
Price $50.00
In a very real and practical sense we are spiritual influencers. When we change our thoughts, we transform the reality around us. Whether we work by ourselves, in groups, or ask for Divine Guidance, we are vehicles for change through positive intentions. This team of teachers will introduce their understanding of the non-local mind-based experiments called “Remote Viewing.” These began at the Standford Research Institute in the 1970s and continue today, showing how consciousness can transcend time and space. This ability was also demonstrated by Astronaut Edgar Mitchell on his return from the moon. After an overview of the topic, the workshop will allow each participant to share in live demonstrations, and have the practical experience of going beyond the limitations of their 5 senses. You will realize that you truly are part of the vastness of creation. The intention is for this talk to become a gateway to remote viewing, remote healing and remote influencing to generate a deeper understanding of our own nonlocality within the global consciousness field.
Q&A and Meditation for Universal Oneness
This will be an in-depth time of Questions and Answers from the audience, followed by a guided, global meditation. Together we will visualize all who need our prayers for peace, as we meditate to bring forth a greater inner and outer harmony and deeper understanding of our lives and the world around us. In a Unity of Purpose, our prayers of Love will be for the sustainability of Mother Earth and to the Divinity or Oneness that we recognize together. Our focus here will be on Healing the Earth in its time of transformation. We will incorporate unique music and Sacred Names to enhance the meditation, singing and visualization experience.
SPECIAL Discounted Package for all three events - $100.00
WORKSHOPS Remote Viewing: A Learning Session and Q&A and Meditation