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Robert C. Seacord: "Signed Integers Considered Harmful"

Photo of Victor Diec
Hosted By
Victor D.


Welcome back everyone from our summer hiatus! Through some lucky connections, I was able to get in touch with our esteemed guest speaker Robert C. Seacord for our September User Group Meeting!

Robert C. Seacord is the convenor of WG14, an international standardization working group for the C Programming Language, has wrote many books about software development, and also is a fan of musical theatre!

This brief summary doesn’t do justice to the contributions he has made throughout his career but I welcome all of you to attend our remote presentation that he has offered to provide to our local user group! I hope to see you all very soon!

Arrivals can arrive as early as 6:45! We'll be starting the talk around 7:00 pm!

Photo of C++ Ottawa group
C++ Ottawa
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