What we’re about
This group is created for crafty people to get together and craft while enjoying conversation and meeting new people. The idea is to bring your craft projects whether it's needlework (crochet, knitting, cross stitch, embroidery, hand sewing, etc.), diamond painting, sketching, coloring, rock painting, etc. and work on it with others at the same time. You'll want to bring projects that travel easily.
Crafting and being creative helps people feel better, helps with reducing stress and anxiety, and can help create a sense of being more mindful. It's just a plus when you can share your projects and creations with others as well as make new friends. This group can also be used to help teach participants a craft they've never done (I would really love to learn to crochet!) as well as participate in opportunities to donate finished items for charities.
I think if there's enough interest we can plan crafting activities like ceramics painting and carpooling to wool festivals among other events.
Let's get together and create!!!
Just wanted to make sure people know that I'll have a LARGE variety of crafting items to pick from and to keep for working on at no charge.
I'll be bringing the following to pick from (and note, all are suitable for beginners!):
- cross stitch kits (stamped & counted) including all floss, needle and hoop
- plastic canvas kits
- rocks and paint pens
- coloring pages and colored pencils
- diamond painting kits (includes all necessary tools)
- crochet hooks and yarn (for beginners to make a dish/spa cloth)
- knitting needles and yarn (for beginners to make a dish/spa cloth)
The important thing is to come, make new friends and have a great time!
For anyone who doesn't mind, I'd love to be able to take pictures and post your work on the group page.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Sip ‘n Stitch Saturday in KenoshaFestival Foods Community Room, Kenosha, WI
NOTE WE ARE TRYING OUT A NEW LOCATION!!! Time and place has changed for this month! Justine, one of our members, has arranged for us to use the Festival Foods South Community Room for our Kenosha area crafting meetups for the next three months. Our group attendance has outgrown available space at Summer Moon and we've moved the location to be more comfortable. Unfortunately, we also have to change the time due to the availability of the space.
******************************************************Bring a project and a smile! If you don’t have either I can promise you will leave with both! Join us for working on your craft and make some new friends. If you want to try something new I will bring various crafts for you to try and you can take with you at no charge. The important thing is to come and make new friends.
Don't forget to share pictures of your crafting on our new Facebook page!