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What we’re about

This group is for anyone interested in physics and mathematics (especially for anyone who can’t understand how someone could possibly not be interested in those topics!) While there are fantastic resources on YouTube and elsewhere, these meetups will give members a chance to present and/or discuss topics in person.

The typical two hour meetup will have one or two members presenting a previously determined topic, taking around 30 to 90 minutes each, with the remaining time for discussion, questions and getting acquainted/socializing (snacks and beverages highly probable :-) Presentation of topics is a great way to study, learn and review!

Wherever you are on the journey of learning, you are welcome to join! Some stuff may seem incomprehensible (at first) and other stuff obvious to you. This is great! You can help explain what’s clear to you and learn from others what’s clear to them but temporarily obscure to you!

What interests you? Robots, rockets, planets, black holes, quantum tunneling, Maxwell’s equations, Fourier transforms, AI, CERN experiments, Jacobian for change of variables, math of poker, mental math tricks, Rubik’s Cube algorithms, logic puzzles, Boolean algebra, cosmology, calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, proofs, geometry, trigonometry, history of math/physics, number theory, analysis, standard theory, quantum mechanics, special/general relativity, string theory, astronomy, …. Possibilities are endless since really just about anything boils down to math and physics!

Some of the people that motivate my curiosity: Leonard Susskind, Sean Carroll, Einstein, Hawking, Alan Guth, Gilbert Strang, Professor Leonard (YouTube), Feynman, Isaac Asimov, Mathologer (YouTube), …… again the list is too long for here!

Upcoming events (1)

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