Creative Spirit Screenwriters: Read Scripts and Provide Feedback Via Zoom

Creative Spirit holds online "table reads" of selections from scripts. Working writers can have their work read and critiqued by professional writers with decades of experience. Beginning or struggling writers can watch the pros at work and gain insight and inspiration from them. Actors can hone their skills, network with budding filmmakers, and perhaps take up writing themselves.
If you wish to submit pages to have read during the meetup, you must RSVP on Meetup and say you're submitting "pages" to reserve a spot. Each week we'll read up to four sets of pages in the order their authors RSVP’d. New members may sign up for pages after attending one meeting and observing.
New members, please give your email address to the organizers so they can share the guidelines, receive your submissions, and so forth.
Members having their pages read should email or upload 10-15 pages of their original script in PDF format. We'll make the pages available via a Google Drive at the meeting.
Readings are followed by open critique, which should be geared toward helping writers improve their work. Bring an open mind, be respectful of your peers, and together we’ll have fun.
#screenwriting #screenwriters #scripts #movies #films #TV #Hollywood

Creative Spirit Screenwriters: Read Scripts and Provide Feedback Via Zoom