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Let's Volunteer to Make Sandwiches for Dorothy Day!

Photo of Laura Cunningham
Hosted By
Laura C.
Let's Volunteer to Make Sandwiches for Dorothy Day!


Let's celebrate the spirit of Thanksgiving by getting together to make some sandwiches for the most vulnerable population in Danbury. Dorothy Day needs volunteers to make sandwiches so they can hand them out to the homeless. We will meet together at Shakedown Street Eats, and head upstairs for a fun sandwich assembly! Our group is signed up to make 120 sandwiches. We will deliver the sandwiches to Dorothy Day House after the meetup is over. Please click the link below to sign up to bring at least two items for the sandwich making (but if you are able to sign up for more that would be better!):

After our meetup we could head downstairs and enjoy some grub! Thanks so much for participating in this important volunteer opportunity, invite your friends to this one! As the saying goes, "many hands make light work!" See you there!

Lastly, event planning and meetup organizer costs me about $240 per year, not including attending the paid events themselves. Pitch in a few dollars to our group fund, if you can, to help me cover the meetup cost. Passing a few dollars to me at a meetup or Venmo is best because meetup takes a chunk out online for taxes. Thanks so much!

Photo of Danbury 20s and 30s Meetup group
Danbury 20s and 30s Meetup
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Shakedown Street eats
227 Greenwood Ave, · Bethel, CT
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