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Passion Point Dating/ Matchmaking Event

Photo of Nilsa
Hosted By
Passion Point Dating/ Matchmaking Event


Dating In a Whole New Old Way

These Events are exclusive and for professionals only. Please visit our website at: for event details. Only 30 people are selected for each event based on questionnaire dating goals and age group.

Ignite Your Love Life With Passion Point, in-person Dating, Screened Matchmaking, Events
Are you growing weary of endlessly swiping and waiting for that spark?
Ready to step away from the superficial and immerse yourself in a realm where shared passions fuel authentic relationships?
That's where Passion Point dating events offer a groundbreaking approach to matchmaking, transcending the typical superficial exchanges.

What is Passion Point Dating?
Picture a bygone era, where attending a meeting or event at a place of interest, you encounter someone who captivates you. Together, you engage in meaningful conversation, feeling the warmth of shared energy. You exchange contact information and agree to meet again, unburdened by the worry of whether they will be a match, because…you already know.

That's Passion Point today. A world where you're chosen to be part of a private event, featuring a curated guest list, where a shared interest, in person, acts as the spark for finding someone special. These events focus not just on age, location, or job titles, but on connecting singles with aligned interests and hobbies.

From group meetups, personalized dating questions to Q&A sessions on dating challenges, mimi speed dating session, Passion Point events provide the perfect backdrop for meaningful connections to flourish.

FYi: Appetizers will be served / drinks are available for purchase
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Photo of Exclusive Dating and Matchmaking Event group
Exclusive Dating and Matchmaking Event
See more events
RSVP opens
Sunday, November 3, 2024
4:00 AM

Every 3rd Thursday of the month until January 28, 2025

Needs a location
30 spots left