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Dayaway Cruiseaway Travel Club Monthly Meetup & Optional Lunch at Yellow Dog

Photo of Alan F
Hosted By
Alan F. and Lee R.
Dayaway  Cruiseaway Travel Club Monthly Meetup & Optional Lunch at Yellow Dog


After Travel Club Luncheom at Yellow Dog Cafe!

Our Travel Club meetings are the perfect opportunity to meet other like minded travelers. We discuss our past and future trips while distributing a travel calendar of events. We sometimes have guest speakers from related topics such as nutrition while traveling, travel photography or a cruise company sales representative. Film and picture exchanges are always welcome.

Present Travel by Design
“Dayaways” and “Mini Vacations”
“If you’ve got a hobby we’ve got a tour”
This is a revised work in progress with constant additions!!! The Next Travel Club
Meeting is the first Wednesday of the Month. Travel Club Meetings now feature information about past and future destinations.

After the meeting, some of us go out to a Luncheon at a Restaurant TBA

Travel Club benefit: Free door to door airport and cruise port transportation with individual
non-group vacations or cruises of 7 days or longer booked through the club!
(Groups usually choose one location for transfers)
Free travel consulting by CTC (Certified Travel Counselor) And Cruise, Tour and Vacation
Discounts available to club members! Transportation is by Van or Motorcoach according to group size!
Groups of 9 to 11can order their own pick up spot or even their own Van tour departure.
Handicapped and Impaired Travelers are welcome aboard!
Congratulations! Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away! By Dr. Seuss

Photo of Dayaway and Cruiseaway Travel Club group
Dayaway and Cruiseaway Travel Club
See more events

Every 1st Wednesday of the month until March 27, 2025

1471 Cypress Ave · Melbourne, FL
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location
40 spots left