Competitive 3s For BB + players only
This 3S night is reserved for competitive players able to properly set, receive, block and spike.
The playing level would be considered BB plus and intermediate plus and advance players .
The meet up will have three teams of three for a total of 9 players, with 3 people on the waiting list . Once we reach 12 players, the meet up will be close .
On the day of the event, I will reach out to confirm their attendance to the event . Unfortunately for playing time reason , if you are on the waiting at the time of the meet up , you will not be allowed to play .
Anyone who RSVP and not able to play at this level will be asked to give up his spot for another player ...
If you have any questions , please feel free to reach out to me at 352-745-2019.
Every week on Thursday until June 25, 2025
Competitive 3s For BB + players only