Thursday Indoor Night Game (Sofive/Paid event)

RULES of the GAME :
1- This is a paid event ($15). If you rsvp and plan on coming, please send the money to me no less than 48 hours before the game. You can zelle me (3189143325) or Venmo (@Aladdin-Alayoubi).
2- If we get 12- 15 people, we will play 3 teams and we usually keep track of the wins of each team to keep it fun and competitive.
3- FRIENDLY GAME. No slide tackling, rough play, or coaching.
4- It is highly recommended to wear TURF SHOES. However, if you choose to wear cleats and you step on someone foot, you have to leave the game for 1 MIN OUT.
5- In case of disagreement during the game, the host acts as a referee so the game stays smooth and enjoyable to everyone.
6- If you can not make it , you have to cancel ahead of time so we can have others joining.
7- Every player should sub for a goalie and offer to play defense.

Thursday Indoor Night Game (Sofive/Paid event)