Über uns
🌟 Capital Crew Heidelberg Hangout group🌟
Hey everyone, we're starting a new group to connect with like-minded individuals. Every Saturday at 6 PM, we gather at a cosy café in Heidelberg for enriching discussions on topics like:
📊 Finance and Fintech
🌍 Geopolitics
💎 Blockchain & Crypto
📈 Stocks & Trading
🤖 AI/ML & Future Potential
🌎 Digital Nomading & Lifestyle
📦 E-commerce/Dropshipping
🚀 Entrepreneurship, Startups & Culture
🌌 Space Economy
💰 Long-term Investing
🏦 Wealth Creation, multiplication and Preservation
It’s an open and fun space to share ideas, learn, build connections and have a good time 🍻
👉 Feel free to join ~ https://chat.whatsapp.com/Gh8kx0avWFL5JXXOLnPuIc
Let’s make meaningful conversations happen.