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Mantra Art (Online)

Photo of Mamta
Hosted By
Mantra Art (Online)


Hello dear Soul Vedis!
Welcome to the Group!

When was the last time where you managed to find time for self-care, meditation, and art?

I'm excited to share the launch of thisOnline Series of Meditation & Art Session (For Free!)

I really want to continue creating beautiful moments with you and offer this valuable opportunity to prioritize "ME-TIME" while remaining flexible.

Regardless of where you are, there’s no excuse not to join us!

We will meet every 4th Friday of the month from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. CET. The first session is on June 28th.

Why I believe you should make time for these sessions:

  • Commitment: Making an effort to show up reduces the excuses. ✅
  • Time Investment: Blocking just 90 minutes a month for yourself isn’t a lot. ⏰
  • Value: Every session brings new and valuable insights. I’ve never left an art session thinking, "This was useless." -even if it was online💡
  • Connection & Creation: You’ll connect and create, both with yourself and others. 🎨
  • Free of Charge: While these sessions are ABSOLUTELY for FREE but there is a HIGH RETURN for you :)

What We’ll Do

  • Pranayama Techniques: We’ll learn and practice techniques like 3-Part Breathing, Nadi Shodhana, Anuloma Viloma, etc. 🧘‍♀️
  • Guided Visual Meditation: A short guided meditation to bring peace and inspiration to our art practice. 🧘‍♂️✨
  • Art Practice: You can work on anything you prefer with the tools you have at home, or follow my instructions. 🖌️🖼️

Suggested Tools
Choose what you like best, but here are some general recommendations:

  • Watercolors or acrylics 🎨
  • (Oil) pastels 🖍️
  • Rich markers in different colors 🖊️
  • Acrylic or watercolor paper 📜
  • Canvas 🖼️
  • Sketchbook 📓

I’m looking forward to seeing you in one of the sessions and creating something beautiful together!


Photo of Soul Veda Mantra Art - Fusion of Art and Meditation 🧘‍♀️ group
Soul Veda Mantra Art - Fusion of Art and Meditation 🧘‍♀️
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