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BearBridge Academy of Witchcraft and Psychic Development

BearBridge Academy of Witchcraft and Psychic Development

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An online school to learn witchcraft & psychic development.

We offer all kinds of events and programs in education for the mystical, psychic, the occult, witchcraft, shamanic practices, alternative faith, parapsychology, mediumship, folklore, and mythology.

BearBridge Academy of Witchcraft and Psychic Development

BearBridge Academy of Witchcraft and Psychic Development


Wer wir sind

BearBridge Academy is an online school for serious students in the occult, spirituality, and psychic development. Through a multidisciplinary approach to education that combines technical and hands-on learning, our students consistently succeed in the occult and psychic development. We opened our doors to help countless individuals understand their abilities, spirituality, and connection to the world around them in magical ways. We are committed to providing excellent education, training and resources so that our students will thrive in culture, magic, and perception.

Foto von Aly Cardinalli
Aly Cardinalli

BearBridge Academy of Witchcraft and Psychic Development Administrator


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