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Eckankar UK

Eckankar UK

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Eckankar UK

Eckankar UK


Wer wir sind

Are you a spiritual adventurer?

Meet with people of all different backgrounds who share a passion for spirituality and actual spiritual experiences, such as lucid or significant dreams, out-of-body travel, past-life recall, and encounters with spiritual guides—and to grow from these experiences to bring more meaning, purpose and joy to daily life.

We offer informal discussions, workshops and other events. You are invited to come and experience spiritual growth and fellowship.

There is never a cost for coming to and participating in our group meetings--just come and enjoy!

Sponsored by members of Eckankar - The Path of Spiritual Freedom - as a community service. Eckankar is an ancient spiritual teaching that helps people to make spiritual experiences an everyday reality in their life.

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Eckankar UK

Eckankar UK Administrator

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