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In The Sacred Circle

In The Sacred Circle

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Here is a place to remember who you truly are.

Simply by sitting in a circle, participating in the ritual, sharing your truth and being witnessed by your peers, can provide a radical transformation in your life.

In The Sacred Circle

In The Sacred Circle


Wer wir sind

In the Sacred Circle is a sacred space that brings our community together in support, learning, laughter, exploration and living an examined life. In this sacred space there are weekly rituals, ceremonies, and monthly gatherings, not just hosted by me, but also other powerful practitioners.
We are finding ourselves in the space between darkness and light. Caring for body, mind, and spirit is essential in caring for our souls: that place within where we have motivation to be of service and to attract love, what is real and what is true. 
In times such as these the light we shine can be a beacon of loving light for our friends and community....

Jump in we will swim, laugh, and be in ceremony together. 

This is the Tao, this is the Way.

Foto von Jennifer Zona
Jennifer Zona

In The Sacred Circle Administrator


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