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LF Decentralized Trust

LF Decentralized Trust

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Shaping the future of open source decentralized technologies

LF Decentralized Trust is the open source community for developing decentralized systems, applications, and ecosystems.

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LF Decentralized Trust

LF Decentralized Trust


Wer wir sind

LF Decentralized Trust is the neutral home for the open development of technologies that empower organizations to innovate with secure and resilient code. It is the Linux Foundation’s flagship organization for a broad range of technologies and standards that deliver the transparency, reliability, security, and efficiency required for a digital-first economy. Supported by a diverse, global base of members and communities, LF Decentralized Trust champions open source best practices across a growing ecosystem of blockchain, ledger, identity, cryptographic, and related technologies. To learn more, visit: www.lfdecentralizedtrust.org.

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LF Decentralized Trust

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