Meet other locals interested in Debian, a widely used distribution of free software developed through the collaboration of volunteers from around the world. Since its inception, the released system, Debian GNU/Linux, has been based on the Linux kernel with many basic tools of the operating system from the GNU project.
GruppenVerknüpfte Themen:
Größte Gruppen zum Thema Debian
San Fernando Valley Linux Users Group
763 Linux Enthusiasts | Van Nuys,Organisiert von Devon Stewart
Neueste Gruppen zum Thema Debian
Comunidade Debian MG
101 Members
Gestartet am 1. Jan. in Belo Horizonte, br
Linux For All
261 Members
Gestartet am 1. Jan. in Porto Alegre, br
Linux Center
358 Miembros
Gestartet am 1. Jan. in Valencia, es
India Linux Users Group Delhi (ILUGD)
7939 Linux Users
Gestartet am 1. Jan. in Delhi, in
Puebla Linux Users Group (PLUG)
50 Members
Gestartet am 1. Jan. in Puebla, mx
LALUG - Landshuter Linux User Group - Stammtisch
45 Linux Users
Gestartet am 1. Jan. in Landshut, de