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What we’re about

The LGBTQIA+ Community, especially our youth, are facing more hostility and violence. Because many have had negative interactions with the police, they don’t feel that calling the police is a safe option.

After hearing about two teenagers who were violently attacked because they’re in the LGBTQIA+ community, I realized that something had to be done. These teenagers refused to talk with the police due to poor treatment in the past. There NEEDS to be another way to report violence in an area. I have other ideas to share with the state, but I can do this right now. I’d like us to use this group as an awareness and notification center. Let’s keep it simple. If there’s an option, feel free to post anonymously.

Basic Rules:

  1. This is a Notification Center for those in this group to keep apprised of (potential) violence in communities, towns, and cities throughout the state of Delaware.
  2. Unless I pose a discussion question, please refrain from discussions unless they’re updates to a posted situation. This group is to create more awareness of locations of potential LGBTQIA+ related violence so let’s keep the posts centered on awareness.
  3. We will trust whatever is posted here so please be truthful as information about date, time, and locations may be used as supporting evidence when presenting the government with demands for change.
  4. Only post about LGBTQIA+ related violence that has happened to you, you have witnessed or heard about throughout the state of Delaware. While I understand that all violence should have attention, this is specifically for the LGBTQIA+ community.
  5. How to Post: list the date and time (if known) and the community. If you’re comfortable exposing a more specific location, feel free to do so but it’s not necessary. Any other details about the potential offenders are welcome but certainly are not necessary.


I witnessed a lesbian couple get attacked at the Greenway shopping center in Dover. Two people in black hoodies assaulted them around 9:15pm yesterday, August 11th.

I heard that two males plan to attack people at the Delaware Pride Conversations with Caffeine meeting on Sunday, July 14th. (I’m a Delaware Pride executive officer.)

I heard that an LGBTQIA+ couple was attacked in Newark.

Thank you for helping us to watch out for each other. Knowing where there’s violence can help us better prepare for our individual outings. Please use safety precautions while out and have a buddy or two whenever possible. Leena Jade

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