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What we’re about

This is a group for anyone interested in playing guitar, drums, piano, vocals, etc. All skill levels are welcome. I started this group to meet other music-playing enthusiasts.  Looking forward to meeting and jamming with everybody.

This group will meet either in pubs, restaurants, coffee shops or members' homes. Please support the venues by purchasing a drink or dinner/lunch if you can.

Come to Play! 
Come to Teach! 
Come to Learn!

The vision of this group is to create a comfortable place where musicians at all levels can come and:
- pair up with other musicians to play 
- perform a song solo 
- play along as you listen to others play
- dialogue / ask & answer questions 
- be generous with knowledge & skill 
- take risks  
- network & meet other musicians 
- just listen

Come join us!
Ask one our event hosts how you can get involved and help set up or break down.

Happy Jamming!

Upcoming events (4+)

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