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Explore South High to Central Park (not in NYC) with Patty

Photo of Patty Gaspar
Hosted By
Patty G.
Explore South High to Central Park (not in NYC) with Patty


10:00 AM FUN H1-21 SE Explore South High to Central Park (not in NYC) Meet Patty Gaspar(303-618-5069) in the parking lot of South High School, corner of Louisiana and S. Franklin, near the SE corner of Washington Park. The ride will include Westerly Creek, Central Park, City Park, and Cheesman Park. Let’s hope the leader doesn’t get lost again! We can go to Duffy’s for lunch.
I was told that there is an event at Washington Park on Saturday so the parking lot may be full. Park where you can and we will meet on the corner of Louisiana and S. Franklin.

Photo of Denver Bicycle Touring Club  - DBTC group
Denver Bicycle Touring Club - DBTC
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South High School
1700 E Louisiana Ave · Denver, CO
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