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4th Annual Group Ride & Patio Shindig - Little Scraggy / Julie's house

Photo of Julie
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Hey everyone, happy summer!

I'm looking forward to our annual October bike and grill this year. Its a great opportunity for us to connect with fellow riders we haven't seen in a while. I chose Little Scraggy since it seems to be a favorite and one that never gets old (no pun intended)! We will break into several riding groups so everyone can ride at their chosen pace. Usually we have about 20 riders, so easy to do.

For the grill: everyone please plan to bring a side dish and drink of your choice.

I will add more info to our day as time goes on.

Photo of 55+ Colorado Mountain Biking group
55+ Colorado Mountain Biking
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Saturday, October 12, 2024
12:00 AM
20725 Forest Rd 550
20725 Forest Rd 550 · Pine, CO
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