What we’re about
Hey there!
This is a meetup for anyone (novice through advanced) that wants to play (or learn to play) euchre!
We are currently running a few different types of regular meetups:
Monthly Saturday Learn To Plays - Our Learn To Play meetups are exactly what it says on the tin. No prior experience necessary, come learn the game from scratch. Experienced players are welcome as well though you may be asked to help teach & lead a table of novices depending on how many we have attend.
Weekly Wednesday - these meetups are for everyone from beginner to advanced players. The goal on Wednesday is first and foremost TO HAVE FUN AND MEET SOME NEW FOLKS. The second goal is to PLAY EUCHRE. The third goal is to WATCH MIKE AND MAKE SURE HE DOESN'T RENEGE BECAUSE HE'LL DO THAT SHIT ON PURPOSE. If you've never played before, please consider attending a Learn To Play event to get your feet wet, then jump in with us on Wednesday!
Monthly intermittent - We occasionally play other games as well. Previous meetups have seen us play Hearts, Spades, and even Sheepshead. I'd like to host a Pinochle event before the end of the year, but I keep scheduling things on the weekend =\
We are always looking for people that would like to host Euchre (or other card game) events as well. If you're interested in hosting something closer to your side of town, please let me know!