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Movement Baker Tuesday Evening Climbing

Photo of Alleene Zaya
Hosted By
Alleene Z. and 2 others
Movement Baker Tuesday Evening Climbing


We'll meet at the tables by the stairs at 6:00pm. It's easier to find us if you are on time as we'll be scattered into small groups after about 6:10. There is a wide range of climbers who participate with Denver Social Climbing, and we often have people from beginners through advanced lead climbers on any given night. Weeknights have generally been quite busy, so if you really want to lead climb, bring your own rope to avoid waiting for a lead rope. It needs to be at least 40m and 9.2mm.

This meetup is for meeting partners to climb with and is not a beginner class on belaying. If this is your first time rope climbing ever, you will need to take the belay class at the gym. First visit details are here.
If you are a climber already but have not been to a movement location, you will need to pass the belay test. Membership and pass information can be found here.

The gym has rental equipment. You'll need to call to determine the cost, as it isn't on their website. (720) 476-7800

We'll grab food and/or drinks somewhere nearby (typically Black Sky Brewery) when we're done.

Photo of Denver Social Climb group
Denver Social Climb
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Every week on Tuesday until January 4, 2027

Movement Denver
1155 W. 5th Ave · Denver, CO
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